Learn about Hangzhou
Discover the refreshing, relaxing and invigorating herbal fragrances in ancient pharmacy or simply enjoy a cup of Longjing Green Tea in the nearby Mountain Valley.
Hangzhou 杭州 - This is the place where I started my first Chinese Medicine studies in 2004. After more than 15 years of studies and internships I just have to say - I love this place and can highly recommend it to you if you want to learn about Chinese Medicine from Hangzhou, China.
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Connect Hangzhou!
Hangzhou has played a vital role in China´s bustling traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) world. The immense hometown pride the city has in TCM can be seen all across Hangzhou, ranging from time-honored pharmacies and clinics that provide delightful cultural immersion for TCM enthusiasts to historical streets in downtown Hangzhou´s streets around the Wushan Square, long associated with TCM – not to mention of China´s top prestigious Chinese Medical Universities, offering an array of programs open to Westerners throughout the year…
Read about our Blog from Hangzhou
Teaching Chinese Medicine in China
Here you can find 3 Videos about my work in Hangzhou, China. Video 1: 我,80后德国人,喜爱武术,克服层层困难终到少林I, a German born in the 1980s, love martial arts, overcame
The First National Scientific Competition on Medicine
Some time ago I was invited to join the First National Scientific Competition on Medicine which was held in July 2022 in Beijing, China. I
Coaching patients in Chinese medicine self care skills
Join this Online Course! Sign up for free and join this Free Lecture!Coaching patients in Chinese medicine self care skills – Why we need a
Women of China
Here is an Interview I lately gave for Women of China – All China Women´s Federation The All-China Women’s Federation (ACWF), founded in April 1949,
Communicating Traditional Chinese Medicine across Cultures
I would like to introduce you to this lecture called Communicating Traditional Chinese Medicine across Cultures. In Chinese 中医跨文化传播. I was invited to join this
Chinese Medicine in Hong Kong
Learn about Chinese Medicine in Hong Kong Here´s an Interview on HK 01 (HK01 is a Hong Kong-based online news portal)「我平日的養生方法已融入到生活中,早上會吃五穀粥,夏天喝綠茶,冬天喝紅茶。根據天氣冷熱和情緒的變化,我會為自己沖調不同的茶,例如陳皮、玫瑰等。」德國中醫教師Tim Vukan表示。近年,世界各地越來越多的人認識到中醫藥,有的會選擇中醫作「替代醫學」(alternative medicine),還有像Tim這樣學習中醫,甚至有的進修成為中醫師。自新冠肺炎疫情以來,西藥稀缺、世衛「背書」、長新冠後遺症等,皆為中醫藥發展創造大好良機,長遠或助中醫藥趁機走出世界,有望成為全球醫療系統中的一員「新貴」。《香港01》分別和德國中醫教師Tim Vukan及澳洲中醫師Giles Sadler傾談,了解兩位外國人的中醫之路與及他們對中醫藥在世界範疇發展的看法。此為「中醫藥在世界」專題系列之一原文網址: