Chinese medical doctors from Hangzhou

Info about studying Chinese Medicine and learning opportunities Have you ever dreamed about to study Chinese Medicine in China? Would you like to train next…

Chinese medicine in Germany

In this Online Course you will gain insight about educational concepts of Chinese medicine: This lecture has been taught at Zhejiang Chinese Medicine in April…

Discover Hangzhou

Connect Hangzhou! Let’s discover the fascinating city of Hangzhou and see what has changed in 2023!

Chinese Medicine in Western Eyes

In this Online Class you will learn about: 讲座内容 14 years in China – Chinese Medicine in Western Eyes14年在中国 – 走进“洋中医”Tim的故事 Why Chinese Medicine –…

Chinese Medicine from Hangzhou

Learn about various Chinese medicine methods coming from Hangzhou, China! This course gives you a brief overview about main teachings you can find on Wushan…

Wushan TCM – What we do in China!

Wushan TCM offers Chinese medicine online courses – Distance Education Courses from China! All courses are taught by Chinese medical doctors and …