Learn about Treating Emotions in Chinese Medicine covers the following content:
- Introduction
- The Five Elements
- Summary
- The Emotion inter-restriction therapy
- The generation process
- The restriction process
- Son and Mother, Mother and Son
- The treatment method
- Evaluation
- Therapy table
This Online Course includes:
Online Course: 83 minutes
Certificate: After you finished watching each lesson click “Mark Complete”, once all lessons are completed you can download the Certificate. You can find a download link on the main page of your purchased course.
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CPD Approved: 83 minutes of CPD (Acupuncture NZ)
Certificate: by Wushan TCM – Chinese Medical Network in China
Please note: This course has been part of teachings for Chinese students at Zhejiang Chinese Medical University in Hangzhou, China. Some parts include explanations in Chinese language, which for your convinience, all have been repeated explained and translated into English.
Below you can see a Screenshot from the live class given to Chinese students at Zhejiang Chinese Medical University.

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