Teaching Taiji & Qi Gong to Children

Tim Vukan · May 30, 2023

This video lecture is an Online Course about teaching Taiji Quan and Qi Gong exercises to children. Learn about the methodology, the didactics and get known to simple exercises you can teach to 3 to 12 years old children.

Please note: This lecture is taught in English. It has been part of the 12th Brazilian Congress of Chinese Medicine in May 2023.

Duration: 60 minutes

The contents of this course:

  • Get an Introduction about Taiji & Qi Gong
  • The differences of Taiji & Qi Gong
  • The common aspects of Taiji & Qi Gong
  • How to practice Taiji & Qi Gong: body – breath – heart
  • Taiji Quan & Qi Gong Benefits
  • How to teach Taiji & Qi Gong to children
  • Methodology -The teaching method
  • Didactics: Teaching Concepts
  • Teaching stories & simple exercises
  • Learning about Taiji & Qi Gong – Working out a needs-based approach
  • Stay in the flow – Why kids love Taiji & Qi Gong

About Instructor

Tim Vukan

Tim Vukan, MMed, Master of Chinese medicine at (ZCMU), founder of Wushan TCM and lecturer at Zhejiang Chinese Medical University is one of the few foreigners who has completed more than 13 years of Chinese medicine education directly in China! He is a certified Chinese medicine practitioner who has completed his undergraduate and graduate studies at Zhejiang Chinese Medical University in Hangzhou (China). He is now teaching Chinese medicine to Chinese and foreign students at ZCMU. On Wushan TCM you can join Online Courses about authentic, professional and personal Chinese medicine lectures from China.

104 Courses

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Course Includes

  • 1 Lesson
  • Course Certificate