Chinese Medicine Personality Types

Chinese Medicine Personality Types from the Huang Di Nei Jing (《黄帝内经》Yellow Emperor’s Inner Canon) In the 《Nei Jing: Ling Shu – Tong Tian; The different…

Chinese Medicine Health Prevention Concepts

Learn about the Chinese Medicine approach and Concepts from Seasonal Climate Factors influencing our health. Deepen your understanding about nutrition and life style methods to…

Communicate TCM with your patients

Communicate TCM with your patients – Gain simple but effective explanation methods and deepen your communication skills with your patients. Sometimes in clinic we all…

Treating Emotions in Chinese Medicine

Learn about Treating Emotions in Chinese Medicine gain deeper understanding about pathological functions caused by an unstable or excessive emotion the treatment of emotional disorders…

Chinese Herbal Gallery

This Chinese Herbal Gallery contains more than 300 Images of Chinese Herbs. – You can now download it for Free! A little story:During my internship…