Teach Yourself How To Read Medical Chinese & Learn About Basic Terminology From Classical Chinese Medicine Books.
In this Online Course we will read about Chinese text passages from the Nan Jing 难经, Shang Han Lun 伤寒论 and the Jin Kui Yao Lue 金匮要略 and learn about the medical terminology 医术. Get known to new words 生词, classical literature 经典中医 and the importance of knowing Medical Chinese 中医中文.
Video Duration: 45 minutes
Course Review:
Very Comprehensive! – January 15, 2021
“I found the course to be very, very comprehensive and it fulfilled my personal learning objectives. I appreciate that you offered it at no cost and I hope that you continue to offer these types of classes.”
– John
Very Informative – January 14, 2021
“It was very informative, I would highly recommend Wushan TCM.”
– Eddie
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