Special Guest at TV Series Tales of the Traditional Chinese Medicine
The China Media Group, the National Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine and China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, just finished launching a large-scale cultural program named Zhong Guo Zhong Yi Yao Da Hui 中国中医药大会 “Tales of the Traditional Chinese Medicine”, which was produced in Beijing by CCTV Pioneer Media & Entertainment Co., Ltd.
This TV series has the aim to broadcast Chinese Medicine scientific approaches to the world and to promote the rich culture of Chinese Medicine. The TV series started in December 2023 and just launched the latest of all eleven episodes in June 2024. It is also the biggest TV series in 2023/ 2024 from China to actively develop Chinese Medicine subjects for a more deep and comprehensive understanding of Chinese history and culture.
Tim Vukan joined this TV series where he talked about the importance of preventative nutrition concepts within Chinese medicine.
Part with Tim Vukan: starts after 53 minutes in the video below