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    Abdominal Acupuncture Part 1

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    Abdominal pain after giving birth

    What will you learn? Master the definition of postpartum abdominal pain and treatment based on syndrome differentiation. Become familiar with the etiology and pathogenesis of postpartum abdominal pain. This course is based on teachings for undergraduate students in Hangzhou, China. It has been translated and modified to fit this online course. E-book slider: total 38 pages. Once you purchased this E-book you will receive the password to get your access.
  • 2 Lessons

    Acupuncture and Herbal Treatment for IBS

    What will you learn? The acupuncture and herbal treatment of IBS - Irregular Bowl Syndrome. Get an introduction, classifications... Syndrome Differentiation Groups, Diagnosis, Herbal Treatment, beautiful Herbal Galleries to each herb and different case studies based on the acupuncture treatment methods for IBS.

  • 1 Lesson

    Dui Yao – Herbal medicine pairs

    What will you learn? Learn about Chinese herbal medicine and receive 83 Dui Yao 对药 - Chinese herbal medicine pairs used in combination. The whole online course covers 55 E-book pages. Receive a collection of commonly used Dui Yao herbs, presented to you by Wushan TCM.

  • 1 Lesson

    Emotional Therapy

    This course is informing you about the treatment of emotional disorders by applying a characteristic method coming from the field of Chinese medicine psychology.
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    Important Pulses you need to know

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    Medical Mandarin – Chinese Medicine Diagnosis

    Learn about Medical Mandarin - Chinese Medicine Diagnosis. Get known to the Chinese terms, new words and sentence examples applied within Chinese Medicine Diagnosis. Tim Vukan is teaching the pronunciation of related Chinese medical terms based on his experience of studying in China. Be able to apply short sentences in a dialogue with a Chinese patient or doctor & top up your Chinese for your internship when you come to China. This course covers words about the four main diagnostic techniques such as asking for the pulse, inspecting the tongue, the mind and the etiology and many other related medical terms which are commonly used in Medical Mandarin.

  • 4 Lessons

    Pediatric Tuina for the treatment of ADHD

    Learn about the theory, diagnosis and treatment methods and get known to techniques applied from Pediatric Tuina in the treatment of ADHD.

  • 1 Lesson

    Pediatric Tuina for the treatment of Asthma

    Learn about the theory, diagnosis and treatment methods and get known to techniques applied from Pediatric Tuina in the treatment of Asthma.
  • 2 Lessons

    Pronunciations of Chinese Medicinal Herbs

    Discover the world of Chinese herbal medicine and learn the right pronunciation in Chinese! View beautiful herbal images, listen to the correct pronunciation in Chinese and strengthen your Chinese medical mandarin! In this course you will learn about 95 herbal names in Chinese. You will be guided by video and view beautiful Images while you learn the correct pronunciation of each single herb.

    Teaching Language: English

  • 1 Lesson

    Pulse conditions in psychological disease

    Learn about the differentiation on pulse conditions in psychological disease! Especially in psychological disease patients usually report about many different kind of emotions and feelings. Often these cannot be described to the doctor very easily. That’s why the differentiation of pulse conditions has an important role in diagnosing emotional disease and syndromes. This course gives you clear introductions on how we are able to diagnose imbalanced emotions by understanding different manifestations in the pulse. Generally believing, the formation of psychological pulse conditions is a mechanism which is connected with the outward manifestation of mental activities and therefor the psychological pulse recognition is necessary to differentiate these pulse conditions to give a proper treatment in Chinese medicine.

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    Pulse Diagnosis in Chinese Medicine

    Download the New E-Book and learn about Chinese Pulse Diagnosis.

  • 2 Lessons

    Qi, Blood & Body Fluids

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    The acupuncture treatment of obesity

    This online course is based on teachings by Chinese medical universities for both Bachelor and Master Level. Learn about various acupuncture point combinations and how to apply these in our Chinese medicine clinic.

  • 2 Lessons

    The Chinese medicine treatment of Depression

    This online course gives you detailed introductions about the Chinese herbal medicine treatment of different types of depression syndromes. The etiology, syndrome interactions, the western medicine criteria, key points of the treatment, syndrome differentiation, acupuncture, tuina and other psychological treatment methods give this online course its content.

  • 1 Lesson

    The concept of Shen

    Learn about the basic concept, the generation and the function of Shen. Related pulse conditions and detailed information from Chinese medicine psychology.

  • 3 Lessons

    The Etiology and Pathogenesis in Chinese Medicine

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    The Jin three needle technique Part 1

    Course Part 1. The Jin three needle technique originally contains 39 groups in total. This course gives you an Introduction about 12 groups. It is also called the three-point technique. The concept is to use three needles to treat the disease. Sometimes this might not be enough, but as a basic method, the Jin three needle methods have shown good clinical results. For example, in the treatment of acute pain (lumbar pain), sometimes one treatment can be enough.

  • 1 Lesson

    The Seven Emotions in Chinese medicine

    Emotional Disorders are a main reason of developing a disease. The seven emotions refer to joy, anger, melancholy, worry, grief, fear and fright which is an ancient concept from Chinese Medicine psychology.
  • 1 Lesson

    Tongue Diagnosis

    Download the New E-Book and learn about Chinese Tongue Diagnosis.

  • 4 Lessons

    Zang Fu Organs Theory

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